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Choosing Yarn Types and Colors:

There are a few basic Yarn types:

Acrylic: Medium Warm. Variety of thicknesses. Very versatile. 

Cotton: Less Warm. Softer yarn. Thinner thickness, Very Versatile.

Wool: Very Warm. Thicker Yarn type. Very versatile

Fleece: Very Warm. Thick. Very versatile

Polyester: Medium Warm. Fuzzy soft. Semi-versatile.

Lace: Light warm. Very thin. Soft. Semi-versatile.

Specialty Yarns: If you would prefer a specific yarn type that is not listed please email me the details. 


JLSnug loves to make you items that are 100% unique. We specialize in custom creations from your direction. By selecting the color, yarn type and embellishments you customize the item to match your style. Starting your customization is easy, consider your yarn type and colors.  


Embellishments and Finishings:



To make an item entirely your own you can add beads, bells, buttons, stuffing,  fringe ends, rib ends or flower decals along with stripes, or  borders. 

Sizing Units in Inches:

To ensure our products fit you properly we will ask for specific measurements related to the item and we will ask you to use inches.

Blankets come in square, rectangle and round dimensions.

Scarfs measure length x width

Dog Scarfs measured around the neck and some around head / under chin.

Headbands are based off measurement around head.

Stuffed animals are measured by length. 

Some items allow for Embellishments or Finishings

Our products always fit because they are made specifically for you.

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